Monday, July 11, 2011


Since this blog isn't getting much play from my husband, I am taking over!  I might not cook very often, but my food is just as good as Izzy's. 

Two weeks ago I made amazing ravioli.  Green was the color of the day on Saturday night.  I made delicious Artichoke-Pesto Ravioli with Rosemary Salt Bread from the farmer's market and a side salad from the garden.  This was a nice, quick dinner after a long day.  Ingredients from the garden include: lettuce, arugula, spinach, cucumbers, green onion, and basil.  The ravioli is Costco's cheese ravioli.

Here's the recipe for the sauce (all measurements are a guess since I don't measure):

Aritchoke Pesto Sauce
Melt 2 tablespoons butter in a saucepan over medium heat.  Add 2 tablespoons flour to the butter and mix to make a roux.  Slowly stir in 1 cup milk as follows:  add enough to make a moderately thick sauce.  Stir until sauce thickens and continue adding more milk until you have added all the milk and have a creamy sauce.  Add 3/4 cup artichoke tapenade, 2 chopped green onions, and 1/4 cup pesto (recipe below if you want to make your own).  Incorporate all ingredients until well blended and has reached your desired consistency.  If the sacue is too thick, add more milk.  Add cooked ravioli to the sacue and cook over medium-low heat so that ravioli absorbs some of the sauce. 

Pesto recipe:
3-4 cups fresh basil
3-5 cloves garlic
1/2 - 3/4 c parmesean
olive oil

place all ingredients in a food processor and add enough olive oil to allow ingredients to blend smoothly.  Salt to taste. (I don't recommend much.)

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